Update of HDEC Covid-19 Emergency Standard Operating Procedure 17 May 2022
The Secretariat has updated the HDEC’s Covid-19 Emergency Standard Operating Procedure (‘eSOP’) to version 4.0 to keep the document fit-for-purpose and to reflect the evolving nature of the pandemic response. Key changes to this update include:
- Specification of the scope of studies and amendments appropriate to the eSOP and a requirement for a justification for their urgency
- Clarification that all studies approved via the eSOP will be governed by the Northern B HDEC for post-approval monitoring
- Additional guidance on the Covid-19 Protection Framework (Traffic light system)
- Clarification on the upload schedule for eSOP meeting minutes to the HDEC website
The eSOP will remain in effect until the Manager of the HDEC Secretariat dissolves it.
The eSOP can be found here