HDECs experiencing high volumes of submissions

The HDECs are currently experiencing a high volume of submissions across new applications, post-approval forms and queries, with the expectation this will only increase for the…

HDEC Information Sheet Templates Updated

All the HDEC Participant Information Sheet/Consent Form (PIS/CF) templates have been updated. 

A summary of the revisions are as follows:

All gendered pronouns (e.g., he/she, his/her, etc.) have…

Reviews & approvals updates

The Reviews & approvals pages of the site have all been updated to reflect current information (such as referring to ETHICS RM and Zoom meetings), as…

ETHICS RM and HDEC forms update

ETHICS RM (ERM) Update  - Version 1.27Please note that updating a form will wipe any signatures and these will need to be re-obtained. This is a…

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