Content update to the HDEC website

The HDEC website has gotten a refresh after review by the Secretariat. We are committed to ensuring the HDEC process is as accessible and up to…

Protocol deviation guidance now available

Clarification and guidance is now available for what should be submitted as a protocol deviation for review by the Committee. 

Information for this is available here. 

Holiday closedown dates

The HDEC and HDEC Secretariat will not be operational over the Christmas period. 

The last day of operation for the year will be Friday 22 December 2023,…

ERM Update - Version 1.30

This update introduces a few changes across several forms. Please note that updating a project will invalidate any active signatures on it and these will need…

Minor update to the ERM manual

The Ethics RM (ERM) manual has been updated to breakdown the new Change of Study Details form and how to use it to avoid confusion with…

Stakeholder survey now live

The Ethics team at Manatū Hauora is reviewing how we are doing things to make sure that our ethics committees are running efficiently, well supported and…

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