Reviews & approvals updates

The Reviews & approvals pages of the site have all been updated to reflect current information (such as referring to ETHICS RM and Zoom meetings), as…

ETHICS RM and HDEC forms update

ETHICS RM (ERM) Update  - Version 1.27Please note that updating a form will wipe any signatures and these will need to be re-obtained. This is a…

Update on HDEC meetings for 2022

Kia ora koutou and welcome to 2022! 

Change to start time of Northern B HDEC meetings

Please note that the Northern B HDEC meetings will now start at…

2021 - 2022 Holiday Shutdown Information

The HDEC shutdown period (i.e no HDEC reviews/activity) is from 22 December 2021 to 09 January 2022 inclusive. The Secretariat will not be contactable during this…

New FAQ sections available on the HDECs website

We have created two frequently asked questions (FAQ) pages on our website. These are for general queries and queries specific to ETHICS RM.

We encourage you to check the FAQs prior…

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