The Ethics team at Manatū Hauora is reviewing how we are doing things to make sure that our ethics committees are running efficiently, well supported and resilient. Part of this is thinking about the future of the research ethics system and where we should be heading in the next five to ten years.

To start this process, we are interested in how you think the system is currently running, and your ideas about how it could be improved so that it provides the appropriate ethical review of health research and meets your needs.

A survey was provided to gain feedback on any of the following experience:

  • doing health research
  • have applied to a Health and Disability Committee (HDEC)
  • conducted an ethical review of health research
  • participated in health research
  • served on a research ethics committee (other than HDEC).

The survey was emailed out to all those who engage with our online system (Ethics RM) and a link posted here. Responses to the survey opened on 24 May 2023 at 12:00am and closed on 24th June 2023 at 11:59pm.

Thank you to all who submitted a response.

The data is currently being analysed, and we will provide a one page summary of submissions when it is available.

The outcome of the data analysis will inform the next phase for the research ethics review system and subsequent analysis/focus groups. Potential options for reform aim to be developed in future.

If you have any questions, you can contact us at

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